Hi, I’m Matt Drabek. Or, if you know me from my philosophical work – or you’re just not into the whole brevity thing – Matt L. Drabek. I run this blog and website.

My journey to creating it, as I see things, began in 2011. I was 28 years old, near the end of writing my PhD dissertation, about to receive my degree, and utterly clueless about my future.

Many of you have probably been there. Or, at least, there in a relevant sense for you.

I’d like to think I’ve figured a few things out since then. Over the course of my adult life, I’ve been a left-wing activist, a philosophy professor, an educational management professional, a baseball fan, a published author, and, most recently, a philosophical counselor.

So, it’s been a long road from there to here.

These days, this site does double duty. I blog on the main page to write down my thoughts on some or all of the above topics. I also use it to engage with others on all these issues and more.

But the second use of this site is more recent, and currently at the forefront of my mind. I’ve become an APPA-certified philosophical counselor. Readers interested in philosophical counseling services should navigate to the top of this page and click the ‘philosophical counseling’ link!

If you’re interested in these topics, please read and get in touch! You can also follow on Facebook. Finally, I live in Iowa City. If you’re in Iowa City and you see the guy below, say hi!

A photo of Matt L. Drabek, a philosophical counselor who is a white man in his late 30s or early 40s. He is wearing stylish glasses and a button up shirt.

Note: I’ll occasionally recommend books or other reading materials. Where applicable, I use the Amazon Associates program to link to Amazon for potential book buying. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.