Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Month: September 2019 (Page 2 of 2)

3 Surprises from the 2020 Campaign

2020 campaign

When the 2020 campaign started, I thought it was relatively open-ended. The key word here is relatively. In fact, we usually have a pretty good idea about who’s going to win a party’s nomination. When the ballot includes an incumbent, the incumbent wins. When the ballot includes a sitting or recent vice president, the vice president wins. Simple enough.

Sometimes surprises happen, but usually not too surprising. Clinton led in 2008 until Obama won the nomination. But Obama was hardly a nobody. And while Trump’s nomination surprised lots of people, myself included, we probably shouldn’t have been too surprised. The polls predicted it early. In fact, even early primary polling predicts pretty well.

But I’ve seen some legitimately surprising things this time. This post is about the surprises of the 2020 campaign.

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