Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Month: May 2022 (Page 2 of 2)

Is the Pandemic Over Yet?

Readers might have the idea that I started this post with a sarcastic or rhetorical question. And yet it’s not. I find the question a really difficult one to answer. Mulling over that very question is one reason it’s taken me four months to write a post on COVID after my January post on Omicron.

Plus, Omicron – or some version of it – remains with us.

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Organic Leader: Potential Problems?

Just about everyone involved in leftist organizing in the last 5 years knows about Jane McAlevey. No Shortcuts became the go-to book for it. There’s a broader debate out there on how well McAlevey’s methods do in the real world. But I want to hone in on one idea from her book – the notion of the ‘organic leader.’

McAlevey advocates for an organizing model whereby the organizer – union organizer for McAlevey, but we could apply the model well beyond unions – starts by identifying organic leaders among workers. From there, the organic leader takes the lead in building support for the org.

There’s a lot I like about McAlevey’s approach. But I also think there’s a lot riding on the very organic leaders she appeals to. If we find problems with the very idea of an organic leader, it could put the org in trouble right from the start. So, let’s talk about that.

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