Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Month: February 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

Should Socialism Be a Youth Movement?

Recently, a debate opened up between two DSA caucuses – Socialist Majority and Bread & Roses – over a few strategic questions. Among other things, it shows an emerging split within the national org’s majority coalition. I don’t want to review the entire debate, especially since I’ve looked at parts of it in other posts. Rather, I want to look at a new part of the debate: the issue of who the DSA should target in its recruiting efforts. Should the DSA try to be a youth movement?

As a start, I’ll note that in some ways, the DSA is already a youth movement. It grew from 2015 to 2020, often rapidly. And it did so in large part on the strength of new members under the age of 30. Nearly everyone who joined was under the age of 40. But is all this the goal of a good recruiting effort? Should DSA keep focusing its efforts on finding new members among young people?

I think the answer is more complicated than the simple “yes” given by the Bread & Roses faction.

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Dealignment and Posting Alone

dealignment posting alone

From the sectarian left to mainstream socialists, many U.S. leftists put forward dealignment to explain politics today. Jacobin recently dropped an issue on the topic. As long time readers surely know, I have sort of a love/hate relationship with the mag. Its founder has done some good work. As has the mag itself. But the mag has its faults, which I’ve also discussed in a few posts.

But I’m not here just to talk about a magazine. I’m here to talk about dealignment, especially as it concerns class. And especially a recent article on it – ‘From Bowling Alone to Posting Alone,’ by Anton Jäger.

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February Reading List (2023)

Hello, and welcome to the second edition of the 2023 reading list series! It’s still winter in Iowa. And I’ve been reading a wide variety of things as of late. Only 4 books in this edition. But they cover everything from Roman history to the history of philosophy to American history to physics and race.

Enjoy, and let me know in the comments what you’ve been reading lately!

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Don’t Follow the Bolshevik Example

As many readers are no doubt excited to learn, I continue making my way through the Russian Revolution unit in Mike Duncan’s podcast Revolutions. I’ve finally made it through his discussion of the Bolshevik victory in October 1917. Duncan lays out the main events in episodes 72-76.

But that’s not all he lays out in episodes 72-76. A number of leftists – usually sectarians, often ones very active on social media – look to the Bolsheviks as an example of a leftist success. Even some who don’t explicitly laud all their actions in those years still mine the writings of Lenin and/or Trotsky for good advice on strategy.

Let’s take a closer look.

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