Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Month: June 2023 (Page 2 of 2)

2023 DSA Convention Proposals

I know, I know. I’ve been writing a lot about DSA lately. But the 2023 DSA Convention draws near. And after writing about broader issues of DSA strategy, I wanted to say a word about the Convention proposals.

As I’m sure many readers know, we have lots of them still in play. Rather than try to address all of them, I’ll focus on ones I clearly support or oppose. To narrow things down a bit further, I’ll focus mostly on Resolutions rather than Constitutional or Bylaws Amendments. I’ll provide brief arguments for where I stand on each proposal I discuss, though readers should certainly reach out if they’d like more detail.

And, of course, comments always welcome!

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Five Years of Blogging!

A half decade flies by when you’re having fun! Or when a…*checks notes* pandemic happens in the middle of it!?

Anyway, yeah. Here we are. It’s once again time for an anniversary post! Indeed, lots of things happened in the last year. And as I review the past year, I’ll answer the big questions first.

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