Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Category: Activism (Page 20 of 29)

These are posts on activism from the blog Base and Superstructure. This takes many forms. The focus here is on political activism, above all on activist organizing and base-building. One concern is how to build effective movements. There’s also a need to create solidarity with fellow members and build coalitions with other groups. The main aim of good movements is to work together to advance material interests. This section also includes critiques of electoral work, and discussion of how and when to use elections to advance activist goals. Navigating the balance between grassroots work and electoral work is difficult for everyone.

Social Democracy or Socialist Democracy?

socialist democracy

Sometimes I’m a bit fixated on the distinction between social democracy and socialism (or socialist democracy). And I approach the topic from many angles. We might tell one from the other in terms of how they build programs, how (and whether) they oppose capitalism, who makes up their base, how (and whether) they engage in class struggle, and whether morality drives their politics. And we even find that language (and/or inflation thereof) plays a role.

Furthermore, this stands out as no mere academic debate. It drives movement and electoral strategy, as well as how leftist orgs grow.

A book I was just reading reminded me of another approach to it. That approach concerns creativity, democracy, and innovation. Let’s take a look.

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Political Language: 3 Tips

political language

I’ve focused quite a bit in this blog on issues of political language: how what we say affects us, and how our concepts of, say, intersectionality, privilege, or equity guide the things we do. Often whether we know it or not. I write about these issues in the service, of course, of deeper leftist projects.

In this post, I’ll shift a bit to giving advice on political language. What should we keep in mind when using political language as a part of our organizing efforts?

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