Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Category: Activism (Page 8 of 29)

These are posts on activism from the blog Base and Superstructure. This takes many forms. The focus here is on political activism, above all on activist organizing and base-building. One concern is how to build effective movements. There’s also a need to create solidarity with fellow members and build coalitions with other groups. The main aim of good movements is to work together to advance material interests. This section also includes critiques of electoral work, and discussion of how and when to use elections to advance activist goals. Navigating the balance between grassroots work and electoral work is difficult for everyone.

DSA Strategy: Issues vs. Classes

As the 2023 DSA Convention approaches, let’s try to answer a strategic question. The question concerns a big picture issue, one that I think people tend to lose in the details of the various Resolutions on display.

So, let’s talk broad, national strategy. I have in mind DSA’s ‘decision’ – quotes because it’s perhaps more a starting point than a decision – to run priority campaigns around issues rather than people. DSA builds its recruitment model on attracting people to issues like Medicare for All rather than reaching out to members of target classes and building campaigns around their ideas. An org can do both, of course. But DSA probably doesn’t have the resources to do both well. And, at present, it only does the former.

I’ll argue in this post that DSA should run grassroots organizing campaigns built around classes first, rather than issues.

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Why Are Activist Meetings So Bad?

I’ve spent the last 20 years attending activist meetings, from my Bloomington days through my time in Iowa City. What almost all these meetings have in common is that they’re badly and ineffectively run.


Granted, most of them happened in college towns. So I could chalk it up to some kind of college town effect. But I’m not too convinced by that. In every other respect, the meetings vary quite a bit. Some involved putting together a new group. Others involved far more established groups. Some were meetings of socialist or anarchist groups, while others focused on identity- or issue-based activism. And attendees varied quite a bit in terms of age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and other categories.

And still, most activist meetings stink. They start late, run over on time, and are facilitated badly. Many people come away frustrated. Maybe the issues they care about didn’t find its way to the agenda. Maybe there wasn’t an agenda at all. Meetings often feel more like friend hangouts than spaces where people do things. And many of these friend hangouts feel inaccessible to anyone not already part of the group.

Again, why? I don’t think it’s due to the intent of organizers. Quite the opposite. Most organizers want to create spaces accessible to new and diverse people. Most want meetings that are democratic and productive. And they use the methods they know in order to get there.

Indeed. I’ll suggest the methods are a big part of the problem here. The methods aren’t so great.

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How Do Culture and Politics Connect?

This is a collage of several figures from culture and politics in the U.S.: Donald Trump, Roseanne, Jordan Peele, and Kanye.

I often write in this blog about links between culture and politics. Indeed, we’ve even got a tag for ‘culture’ (see the bottom of this post). But I’ve never tried to systematize any of this, to tell a larger story about how culture and politics connect.

We need such a story. Over the years, I’ve seen a shift on the left in how we link culture and politics. And, for the most part, it’s a shift for the worse, not the better.

As I wrote a blog post and an article on Isaac Asimov and harassment, these broader issues rose to the surface. Does an author’s work provide insight into their politics? Does our study of culture provide us with political insights? More important for our present purposes – and for trends on the left – does our critique of culture provide us with political insights or breakthroughs? And do we do politics when we make or critique culture?

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Modified Consensus and Activist Conflict

Activist communities often tread gingerly around conflict. They know it tears activist groups apart, especially personal conflict. It has done so for decades.

Sometimes even political conflict tears activist groups apart. The groups find it difficult to work through disagreement on even ordinary political issues, especially in their first few meetings. Usually groups come together as voluntarily associations of people interested in a few topics, and they don’t have much in the way of long personal history and built-up trust.

Many groups react to all these things by avoiding conflict. They bury the conflict, pretending it doesn’t exist. In the short term, this provides some benefits. But it’s almost always a long term path to nowhere. Let’s talk about better ways to handle conflict, specifically modified consensus as a model.

Many react to this history by avoiding conflict. They bury it – pretend it doesn’t exist. This can help in the short-term. But it’s almost always a long-term path to nowhere. Let’s talk about better ways to handle conflict.

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May Day

Way back in 2018, I wrote a short post explaining the U.S. holiday ‘Labor Day,’ focusing on its differences from the international holiday May Day. Among other things, I posted out to readers that both holidays originated in the United States! Before, of course, the U.S. decided to eff things up and try to stamp out May Day.

Which it failed to do. Sort of. I’ll refer readers to the Labor Day post I linked above for the full details. But, suffice it to say, the U.S. government – with a notable helping hand from right-leaning, anti-communist unions – played its part in the stifling of a workers’ tradition that started in our own country.

It’s a bummer. But it does teach us the lesson that we of the left have started deep traditions before. We can do it again.

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