Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Category: Books (Page 10 of 22)

These are posts about books from the blog Base and Superstructure. Occasionally I’ll read a book worth talking about, and write some thoughts on it. These cover a wide range of topics from the blog.

Co-Crafting the Just City

Recent Iowa City mayor Jim Throgmorton wrote a book about his time on the city council in Iowa City. He calls it Co-Crafting the Just City. I’ll get to why he called it that in just a bit. But for now, I’ll say it’s a rare kind of book. People don’t often write about the politics of a small U.S. city. And certainly not in the kind of detail one finds here.

As some readers know, I moved to Iowa City in 2007. And I served on the city’s Housing and Community Development Commission from 2019 to 2022 (the final year as chair). So, I know about many of the political debates Thorgmorton mentions. I followed most of them closely – some very closely.

Overall, Throgmorton does a fine job listing the basic issues at play. He does so, of course, from his own (in some ways limited) perspective. That’s to be expected. I’ll sketch out some of the book’s goals and insights into Iowa City politics.

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June Reading List (2022)

After a month full of Silicon Valley and sci-fi, I moved on to a much wider variety of topics. On this month’s reading list, I’ve got everything from sci-fi to food politics to regular politics to TV shows.

Some thoughts to follow, and I hope everyone enjoys!

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March Reading List (2022)

And so, we have the third reading list of 2022! We’re at that point where spring might be coming, but we’re not sure. Do we catch up on the end of those winter readings? Or do we move along to something a bit warmer and sunnier?

I think I did a bit of both here. Continue on to see what I’ve been reading lately. I’ve even thrown in a couple of TV shows as a bonus! And let me know what you’re reading!

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