I’ve answered a few FAQs in my yearly blog anniversary posts. But I’d like to dedicate a series of posts to just an FAQ section. Welcome to that series! Here’s the first post.

People sometimes ask me why I decided to start a blog. As with many bloggers, I don’t have a single answer to this one. But I can think of a few reasons. Probably the biggest reason I made a blog is that I just wanted a creative outlet and place to organize some of my thoughts. I’ve worked on a lot of things related to politics, activism, and the social implications of these things. And I needed a way to put it all together. Why not a blog?

Another reason is that I wanted to see what it would be like to write for a living. Is it possible to be a working writer in 2020? If so, is it possible for someone who’s not a freelance journalist or staff writer for a magazine?

Finally, a third reason is that I kinda wanted to write another book. But I didn’t really know what my topic would be. Forcing myself to write each week pushed me to see what I really cared enough about to write a book on.

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