I suppose this post is part statement and part confession. But I like a certain kind of movie. What kind of movie? Here’s a way to describe it: the movie concerns professional class people and their problems. Especially their various neuroses – their anxiety, guilt, and other issues.

I thought about this recently when reflecting on why Stanley Kubrick stands out as one of my favorite directors. He excelled at making this kind of movie! In a bit less politically savory move, I might also point out that Woody Allen made quite a few good movies like this (e.g., Manhattan, Annie Hall). But Allen is a tougher choice for people who want to tie their evaluation of a movie to their evaluation of the director’s character.


Kubrick hits all the right notes for me. What is Full Metal Jacket if not a case study in how two fairly well-off guys react to the psychological terrors of the Vietnam War on US draftees? What is Eyes Wide Shut if not a study in rich New Yorkers and how fucked up they are? We could do a similar exercise for Barry Lyndon, Dr. Strangelove, or The Shining. Even for 2001!

That’s really about it for this post. I don’t have much to say, politically, about any of this. In fact, I remain skeptical toward the idea that there’s much political value to movie making or movie watching. I also lean toward skepticism about making too much political hay out of culture in general.

I just find the problems of wealthier, well educated people odd and interesting. Maybe because it’s far removed from how I grew up. If those interests are outré in certain leftist circles, I don’t much care.

Readers interested in a more recent film of this type might check out Brad’s Status.

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