Base and Superstructure

Thoughts on production, alienation, and ideology

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What is Fascism?

Fasces fascism


I’ve been sitting for awhile on the question of whether Trumpism is a fascist movement. Are we moving toward fascism in the United States?

It’s a big question, and it’s gotten lots of passionate responses. But I find a lot of the responses ill-informed or otherwise misguided. I also find that it’s a complicated question. Generally, I try to keep these posts to around 1500-2000 words. And to a focused topic. On the issue of fascism, however, I found this to be a burden.

So this is the first post I’ll write on the topic. I’ll add a second, and possibly a third, later. I’ll start by clearing some ground.

What, exactly, is fascism?

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Mapping Trump’s Rhetoric

rhetoric Trump

Photo by Pete Linforth.

There’s a certain pattern to how Trump and his interlocutors engage one another. A certain pattern of rhetoric, if you like.

It works something like this. Trump makes a wild claim. Usually it’s false. An opponent, or the news media, points out how and why it’s false. Trump doesn’t blink, and Trump’s supporters don’t blink. Trump wins, or, at the very least, doesn’t lose. Trump’s opponents look very confused as they fail to gain traction.

Why does this happen?

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Why Did Fred Hubbell Lose?

The 2018 election went pretty well for Democrats in Iowa, as I predicted. They took 2 of 3 Republican House seats. They won seats in the state legislature. Not enough for a majority, but better than last election. Democrats also did pretty well nationally, as we know. But it didn’t go so well for Fred Hubbell.

Fred Hubbell lost.

Why did he lose?

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Curt Schilling and the Hall of Fame

Curt Schilling

Source: Andrew Malone (

When I started this blog, I said I might write about baseball. It’s even in the tagline: Wherein an Iowan writes about leftist politics, philosophy, and maybe baseball. The World Series is over, and late October is a great time for baseball. So, let’s talk about baseball. How about Curt Schilling?

Well, what about Curt Schilling?

Schilling played for the Baltimore Orioles, Houston Astros, Philadelphia Phillies, Arizona Diamondbacks, and Boston Red Sox. He retired after the 2007 season at age 40. And since then, there’s been a raging debate in baseball circles over whether Schilling should be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

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