Base and Superstructure

Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

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Lux Magazine

As I mentioned in an earlier post on culture and politics, I recently started subscribing to Lux Magazine.


The decline of Bitch magazine presented an opening in the socialist feminist reading space. It quit publishing things that interested me, and then it quit publishing altogether. But I wanted to read insightful discussion of feminism and pop culture from a socialist perspective.

Lux entered that space! And so far, I think it has done a reasonable job at it. An issue I received in January 2024, for example, discusses Palestinian activism, tenant union battles against landlords, and book reviews of both new books and classics. I learned a fair bit.

That said, the mag isn’t perfect. Its politics often lean toward ultra-progressivism, especially in its advocacy for ‘abolition.’ It also publishes some of the more frivolous takes on pop culture that pervade the feminist pop culture lit.

But, on the whole, it’s an interesting and informative magazine. Readers should give it a look!

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A Week Off for Travel

Hi all!

This is normally the time when I’d be dropping this week’s blog post. However, I’m taking a week off this week for travel. I’m attending a family reunion in the Houston area!

My family holds the reunion every year around this time, but this is the first year I’ve been able to actually attend. So, I’m pretty excited to be in town for it.

I’ll be back on my regular schedule starting next week. Hope everyone’s having a great spring.

Power and Powerlessness

I recently read a classic in political sociology – Power and Powerlessness by John Gaventa. It’s an insightful attempt to apply the Steven Lukes analysis of power – laid out in a book by that title – to the situation of coal miners in central Appalachia.

Gaventa seeks to explain why oppressed Appalachian miners refuse to rise up in revolt against their oppressors. While he argues for the intuitive view that the power of the mining companies prevents them from doing so, he gets there via an interesting and compelling route. Ultimately, he argues that the power of the mining companies consists, in part, in their ability to change the desires and aims of miners. Rebellion comes only when we alter those underlying power relationships.

I think we can learn a lot from Gaventa about power and powerlessness.

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Managerialism and Socialism

Ronald Purser’s recent article in Current Affairs, “Against Managerialism,” brought to mind for me a common motivation for socialism. It’s one we easily forget, even more so when we dive into the weeds of talking politics or running a socialist org.

I’m talking about economic democracy – the idea that regular, everyday workers are the most qualified to run their workplace. When I think about socialism – really reflect on it – I see economic democracy at the heart of it. And to create a real economic democracy requires us to rid the world – and ourselves – of managerialism.

Let’s say a bit more.

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