Base and Superstructure

Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Page 36 of 116

Universal Design and IT Security

Last month, I wrote a post on the limits of universal design. Among other things, I pointed out that people often use the ‘universal design’ label for things a few people need, but most people find inconvenient. I used the examples of the adjustable standing desk and activist Zoom meetings to illustrate the people. Both increase accessibility, but they do so in a way that most people don’t really like.

In the area of IT security, I can add one more example of this usage: multi-factor authentication (MFA). In a paradigm case of MFA, a person tries to log in to their work account or email account, puts in their user name and password, and then isn’t able to immediately log in using those credentials. Instead, the system sends them a text message and they have to enter a code to complete the login*.

Why do we need MFA? It provides some protection from scammers and other ne’er-do-wells. But often it’s a safety measure for people who fail to take very basic, 101-level IT security steps. Like not handing out their password and not clicking links from strangers.

In short, it’s designed for a small number of people who need extra services. But businesses push it on everyone, even those who don’t need it. For those who don’t need it, which is most people, it’s yet another inconvenience and hassle.

*Note: I realize there are less intrusive and annoying forms of MFA. In some cases, those are good, non-invasive designs.

Means-Testing and the Left

Leftists hate means-testing. If we’ve learned nothing else from listening to leftists talk about policy in the last 5 or 6 years, it’s that. They heap scorn upon it. They claim to avoid it when they work on their own advocacy and mutual aid projects. And they criticize politicians who put it into programs, especially liberal Democrats.

But I think the term ‘means-testing’ carries a lot of ambiguity. Leftists, in particular, tend to use the term interchangeably with ‘paperwork.’ That is to say, they seem to think applying a means test amounts to requiring people to submit (often extensive) paperwork proving they have a low income and thereby ‘deserve’ support.

Let’s talk about that.

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The DSA’s Old Guard?

As we near the end of 2022, nobody really wants to talk about 2015. But one 2015 topic has piqued my interest as of late: the decision of the Old Guard of the DSA to ride the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign to membership growth. As the Old Guard reflects back on it – if it reflects back on it – I suspect it has mixed feelings about how it all went down.

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Twitter is Like a Bar Chat

Leftists often bicker over how to use Twitter. Is it an essential communication tool allowing us to break out of the mainstream media monopoly on thought and opinion? Or is it a travesty and driver of conflict in our movements?

In truth, it’s both of those things. Or at least it can be. But I’d like to point out a better way of thinking about Twitter.

In short, Twitter is like a chat in a big, boozy bar. It can be a source of news or information. And it can lead to valuable insights. But it’s also often messy and destructive. And it’s full of clowns who start fights for no good reason. You can participate in it, but maintain a healthy, robust skepticism.

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