Base and Superstructure

Thoughts on production, alienation, and ideology

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FAQ #3: How Much Does Blogging Pay?

Not much? Blogging hit its height about 10 years ago. But people can still make money on it through affiliate marketing, ads, etc. I do these things. And I have both a Patreon and an offer for freelance work.

However, blogs that make money tend to be ones that hit solid marketing topics or topics that are widely popular. Leftist blogging is a bit narrow, though. I cover topics with a good audience, but a relatively small one. If you’re looking to make big money, you should pick a different topic.

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Intersectionality and the Left

Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term ‘intersectionality‘ in 1989 as she used the central metaphor in a paper in a law journal. Crenshaw used the term to pick out the idea that people’s identities overlap to create novel experiences. As a legal scholar, she drew attention to experiences of discrimination. For example, black women may face novel issues neither black men nor white women face.

Since then, the term – and perhaps also the idea it picks out – took on a life of its own. It’s a rallying cry for some social justice movements. People routinely assert things like ‘the future is intersectional.’ Politicians run (usually unsuccessful) campaigns around it. But as leftists, what does intersectionality mean for us? Is it a tool for getting things done? A theory we should accept or reject? How should we handle it?

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FAQ #2: Can I Write a Guest Post?

OK, so I actually get this question more than I expected when I started the blog. The short answer: No.

The longer answer: Not yet, anyway. So far, I’ve written all content on the blog. I’m open to the possibility of a guest post. In fact, I’d love to see it. But I believe writers should be paid for their work. Even for more causal blog writing, I’d like to see writers getting paid 5-10 cents per word.

So, if I invited someone to do a 1000-1500 word guest post, I’d want to pay them $50-150 to do so. At the moment, I’m not really prepared to pay that kind of money for guest bloggers. I’ll probably say a bit more about the blog’s financials in a future FAQ. For now, let’s just say I’m not pulling in the kind of cash needed to pay people that much to write. Since I can’t pay, I’m not yet allowing guest posts.

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A Primer on Trumpism

Good news! I’ve been working on a new project for the last couple of months, and I’m ready to announce it. Today, I released a new e-book for Kindle. It’s called A Primer on Trumpism: Understanding and Fighting the U.S. Far-Right.

Readers will certainly recognize some of the themes for the e-book. In it, I collect some thoughts on Trump and the broader Trumpism movement. I’ve covered this topic several times on the blog, but in the e-book I update this material and tie it together more comprehensively.

I priced the e-book at a good bargain of $3.99, which I hope most readers can afford. The accessible price should broaden readership. Please click the title above and enjoy!

Image Source: Sasha Kimel on Flickr

FAQ #1: Why Did You Start a Blog?

I’ve answered a few FAQs in my yearly blog anniversary posts. But I’d like to dedicate a series of posts to just an FAQ section. Welcome to that series! Here’s the first post.

People sometimes ask me why I decided to start a blog. As with many bloggers, I don’t have a single answer to this one. But I can think of a few reasons. Probably the biggest reason I made a blog is that I just wanted a creative outlet and place to organize some of my thoughts. I’ve worked on a lot of things related to politics, activism, and the social implications of these things. And I needed a way to put it all together. Why not a blog?

Another reason is that I wanted to see what it would be like to write for a living. Is it possible to be a working writer in 2020? If so, is it possible for someone who’s not a freelance journalist or staff writer for a magazine?

Finally, a third reason is that I kinda wanted to write another book. But I didn’t really know what my topic would be. Forcing myself to write each week pushed me to see what I really cared enough about to write a book on.

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