For this post, I have a question for readers: which political magazines do you read?

For my part, back in the day I used to read a wide range of left-wing magazines. That included outlets like Dissent, In These Times, Z Magazine, etc. I’ve also read Jacobin here and there, and I subscribed to Bitch magazine, a feminist pop culture outlet, for several years.

These days, I’ve moved away from all those sources a bit. Here’s a list of current magazines and journals I subscribe to: Catalyst, Current Affairs, and n+1. As far as the niche of those respective outlets, here’s how I’d describe them: leftist and social democratic political strategy (Catalyst), smart and more ecumenical leftist takes on a wide range of social and political phenomena (Current Affairs), New York literary journal with a political essay component (n+1).

How about you?

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