With no apology to libertarians, this week’s post is a political quiz.
Or don’t. Whichever. While you’re checking out the quiz, also hop over and read this e-book: A Primer on Trumpism!
Are you confused by the increasingly complex political system? Not sure whether you’re a liberal Democrat or a communist? So take a quiz and find out.
Just don’t take the quiz too seriously.
Political Quiz
For #1, answer either 1a or 1b.
1a. In the 2016 primaries, you voted for:
A. Hillary Clinton
B. Bernie Sanders
1b. You didn’t vote in the 2016 primaries because the candidates were:
A. too far to the left.
B. too far to the right.
2. Hillary Clinton lost because:
A. Russia, James Comey, Bernie Sanders, and/or Jill Stein.
B. her ideas were out of touch and too neoliberal.
3. Hillary Clinton’s extensive foreign policy experience made her a
A. great candidate.
B. warmonger.
4. Even though you may disagree with some of the details, the US invasion of Afghanistan was still justified because Afghanistan was harboring Osama bin Laden.
A. True
B. False
5. Gun control should be one of the top 3 priorities of the next presidential administration.
A. True
B. False
6. We should dismantle capitalism and replace it with some form of socialist system.
A. False
B. True
7. After we’ve equalized social conditions for different races, genders, and sexual orientations, the US will have achieved a completely democratic and just society.
A. True
B. False
8. The main goal of popular movements should be to:
A. elect candidates who will implement good policies.
B. build mass, popular power.
9. Universal Basic Income (UBI) should be one of the top 3 priorities of left-wing theory and movements.
A. True
B. False
10. The government is the most important tool for creating a just and equal society.
A. True
B. False
Give yourself 1 point for each A answer, and 0 points for each B answer.
What’s your total score on the political quiz?
0-3 Points: Leftist. You’re a leftist and probably don’t like capitalism. Unfortunately, that means it’s a rough world out there. Maybe you should join Redneck Revolt or something?
4-6 Points: Bernie. You are Bernie Sanders. Hi, Bernie! Are you running in 2020? Please let me know. Just click the Contact button at the top of the page and send me an email.
7-10 Points: Liberal. You’re a liberal Democrat, bringer of #resistance, gun control advocate, and fighter for the soul of our bourgeois democracy. Things are a bit rough right now with Donald Trump in office. But, not to worry, your party is taking back Congress in a couple of weeks.

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SLECO_chart.png
“What should I read next?”
I’m glad you asked!
Why not read some posts relevant to this quiz, such as my posts on the Bernie 2020 campaign, Hillary Clinton’s book, UBI proposals, and socialism?
Also, you might check out my book on Left Foreign Policy!