Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Month: December 2022

2022 Review

At the end of the year, it’s time to write another year in review. I hope 2022 treated readers well! And for any newer readers, please do check out our previous reviews from 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018.

For the quick version, I feel pretty good about 2022! For this post, let’s take a look at how things have been going here in the Base and Superstructure blogging world. And perhaps tease a bit of a preview for what’s coming in 2023.

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Marx on Modes of Production

In my very first post on this blog, I laid out for readers the Marxist term ‘base and superstructure.’ Lots of people new to leftist ideas could use a 101-level story about many of Marx’s key terms. And that especially goes for any term related to the analysis of economic relations over the course of history. In this post, I’ll approach the term ‘modes of production’ from a similar mindset.

Indeed, Marx didn’t just analyze capitalism and its social relations. He didn’t only talk about the transition from capitalism to a socialist society. He embedded all this within his broader theories of history. ‘Modes of production’ is a key term within Marx’s historical materialism.

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Corporate Politics 101: Series Overview

At the beginning of this year, I said I’d focus on an overview of life in the business world. I called it Corporate Politics 101. And it now has 9 short posts on navigating the business world!

In this post, I’ve collected links to the entire series in one place for easy navigation. Here you go:

1. Be Nice to Staff
2. Office Space was Right
3. The Peter Principle Now
4. Workers are More Competent than Leaders
5. Event Names are Ironic
6. Structure Hoards Power
7. No Bullshit Committees
8. ‘Best Practices’ are Anything But
9. CEOs are Roman Emperors
10. Special Projects

I hope readers have enjoyed the series. My idea was to present a set of very brief tips for navigating the business world. Especially for leftists who don’t have a background in it. I may add to the series in the coming months, but I see it as largely complete for now.

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