Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Category: Blogging (Page 6 of 7)

These are posts on blogging from the blog Base and Superstructure. Mostly these are meta-blogging posts, where I’ll be writing a bit about what it’s like to run a blog.

Patreon for Base and Superstructure!

Hi folks! I wanted to send along an announcement that Base and Superstructure now has a Patreon page. I’m happy to accept monthly patrons starting at $3 per month.

The blog itself will always remain free of charge! But I’ll have a few extras for patrons.

To check out the page, click here or navigate using the toolbar at the top of this page.

Blogger for Hire!

I’m sure some of you have already noticed, but I’ve put a new Services page on the blog. I’m now taking on freelance work! Anyone need a freelance writer? If so, I’d be happy to discuss pricing, topics, etc. Just click the link above to find out more.

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Two Years of Blogging!

Today is the two-year anniversary of Base and Superstructure! How time flies! I started this blog in June 2018 mostly as a hobby and creative outlet. Well over 100 posts later, I’m sticking with it. On the first anniversary, I wrote a reflective FAQ. For the second anniversary, I’ll write a new FAQ using new data.


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Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update From Iowa City

Coronavirus – and COVID-19, the disease it causes – is obviously the elephant in the room for anything right now. Including blogging. As of today, we have 145 confirmed cases in Iowa. And they come predominantly from my own county – Johnson County, home of Iowa City.

That said, everyone’s fine in my household. And we aren’t seeing anything like New York or Seattle. I plan to continue writing and posting, and I’m working from home at my main job. Looking at the post schedule, I’ve got some upcoming stuff on: the film Black Panther, the transition from social democracy to socialism, and public housing.

How are all of you doing?

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