Alienation, autonomy, and ideology

Category: Class (Page 12 of 24)

Should We Do What We Love?

The business literature often tells us that most people don’t like their jobs. Business leaders take a mixed attitude toward this. But what they don’t like – and what the literature also shows – is workers who are actively disengaged from their work. Among other things, disengaged workers show less productivity.

This doesn’t interest me much. As a leftist, though, I’m a lot more interested in the kind of advice the literature provides. It usually recommends a kind of propaganda campaign aimed at workers. These campaigns try to tell workers they have good jobs. They try to get workers more excited and engaged.

Maybe. But, as we know, work won’t love you back. A recent book even tells us as much. Many of us – especially white-collar workers – might consider a different strategy. Why not work a merely tolerable job, complete it quickly and efficiently, and then organize in our own time?

I think lots of people run some version of this playbook. They work a regular job and then organize with the DSA, for example.

Any readers have luck with this strategy?

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Mutual Aid vs. Charity: A False Dichotomy

mutual aid

Most leftists know the pandemic kicked up a lot of interest in mutual aid. And most of us like mutual aid, even if we hesitate on it. Not all of us, though, which raises a few issues.

When we debate mutual aid, either pro or con, we almost always start by distinguishing it from charity. Supporters say it’s better than charity, while opponents say it’s just charity wrapped in leftist rhetoric. In other words, both sides agree that mutual aid is (mostly) good and charity is (mostly) bad. They usually disagree only on which box – ‘mutual aid’ or ‘charity’ – in which we ought to place certain projects.

I’ll take a new route here. I’ll argue that the distinction between mutual aid and charity doesn’t help us decide what to do as leftists. Why? It’s a false dichotomy, and it doesn’t cleanly map onto ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ anyway. In practice, most projects flying the ‘mutual aid’ banner use both mutual aid and charity. Often they’re a mix of the two, and at other times they’re something in between. This false dichotomy, then, leads us astray when we decide what to work on.

Let’s talk details.

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The Federalist Papers: A Couple of Thoughts

Not long ago, I read a book on the writing and ratification of the U.S. constitution. I found it useful, and after I read it I wanted to move along to primary sources. It doesn’t get more primary than the The Federalist Papers, a collection of essays many Americans know. For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s a set of essays in favor of the constitution from three of its key defenders (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay).

So, the thing about these essays is that historians, political scientists, and others have written a ton about them. I’m not repeating all that, nor am I really citing it. I’m doing something much less formal. As I read The Federalist Papers, I found a couple of the essays especially useful. That’s all.

Let’s take a look.

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DSA Convention 2021: A Few Thoughts

The online version of the DSA Convention, as one might expect, didn’t have the kinds of large crowds, side debates, and raucous noise one might expect at a leftist convention with more than 1,000 delegates. But it wasn’t too far off. I’ll collect here a few thoughts about my experience as a delegate from Iowa City.

The first thing I’ll say is that the DSA Convention was still huge and a bit overwhelming. Delegates received tons of emails and discussion options. We had dozens (hundreds?) of pages of material to read on resolutions, bylaws changes, NPC candidates, and so on. Yes, it was pretty chaotic. But DSA staff did an excellent job putting materials into shape and organizing the online experience.

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Death Cults and Doom Cults: COVID Politics

I’ve been thinking recently about how politics changed in the era of COVID-19. In doing so, my mind drifted right away to two emerging movements. I’m talking about right-wing death cults and leftish doom cults. But we’ll get there in a bit.

Before that, I want to issue a call for compassion. The last year+ fucked people up in lots of ways. 600,000 Americans died (so far). Millions lost family or friends. Millions got COVID themselves, and they spent weeks – even months – recovering from it. Let’s say it hasn’t been a great time for mental health.

Back, then, to the topic at hand.

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