Thoughts on production, alienation, and ideology

Category: Iowa (Page 8 of 13)

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update From Iowa City

Coronavirus – and COVID-19, the disease it causes – is obviously the elephant in the room for anything right now. Including blogging. As of today, we have 145 confirmed cases in Iowa. And they come predominantly from my own county – Johnson County, home of Iowa City.

That said, everyone’s fine in my household. And we aren’t seeing anything like New York or Seattle. I plan to continue writing and posting, and I’m working from home at my main job. Looking at the post schedule, I’ve got some upcoming stuff on: the film Black Panther, the transition from social democracy to socialism, and public housing.

How are all of you doing?

Who Are People of Color Voting For?

Iowa and New Hampshire have voted already, and Nevada’s coming up! With a large field and more attention to diversity in the Democratic Party, we’ve heard a lot of talk about who people of color support. Some people – notably Julián Castro – point out the  whiteness of the early states.

Castro’s right, but Iowa and New Hampshire aren’t 100% white. There are lots of people of color in each state, and they voted. Who did people of color vote for in Iowa and New Hampshire? And do those numbers predict how people of color will vote in other states?

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Impact of the Iowa Caucus: 5 Theses

Contrary to even the safest predictions, there was no winner on the night of the Iowa Caucus. Oh, there was a winner. The next day. In fact, Iowa was so generous it gave us two potential winners: Bernie Sanders in the popular vote and Pete Buttigieg in the delegate count. Or maybe Bernie in both. We’ll see. But the entire Iowa Caucus fiasco blunted its impact.

Let’s take a look at how the Iowa Caucus will impact the next steps.

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