Thoughts on production, alienation, and ideology

Category: Partisan Politics (Page 12 of 17)

A Dilemma for Social Democratic Parties

It’s one thing to say we need a social democratic party – or socialist party – in the U.S. It’s quite another to say who its members will be.

But plenty of leftists think they’ve got it down. The story goes something like this. First, we organize around a social democratic platform: Medicare for All, a $15-20/hour minimum wage, free college and cancellation of student loan debt, housing for all, a Green New Deal, et al. Then, we use the strength and momentum from the social democratic program to push for more. We directly challenge the basic capitalist structure of ownership and control.

Sure, the plan has its problems and pitfalls. For example, do we organize within or outside of the Democratic Party? But most leftists endorse it in its broad outlines. For a couple of recent examples among many, see Bhaskar Sunkara’s book The Socialist Manifesto and Nathan J. Robinson’s book Why You Should Be a Socialist.

I do think the plan’s proponents underestimate the difficulty of finding a constituency for a social democratic party. They heavily rely on appeals to the materials interests of the U.S. working class, but those interests – and the size of the working class to which they appeal – are shakier than they think.

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Is Bernie Sanders Electable?

Some Democrats don’t like Bernie Sanders, and they’re not shy about expressing it. They think his negative campaigning cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 election. They think his online supporters – the dreaded ‘Bernie Bros‘ – display misogyny, racism, and authoritarian tendencies. But the most common reason – especially as of late – is that they think he’s not electable. He can’t beat Trump, so the story goes, because he’s too divisive, his policies are ‘pie in the sky’ or ‘far left,’ he has skeletons in his closet, and/or he’s too old.

Whew! I’m setting aside the question of the merits of most of these charges. Some, e.g., the one about costing Clinton the 2016 election, we can dismiss as false and widely debunked. Others are more complicated. I’m also setting aside the question of whether Bernie can still win the nomination. Nor is this a post of evangelism. Instead what I’m doing here is addressing the ‘electable’ question. Is Bernie Sanders electable? And how can we tell?

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How Elizabeth Warren Lost

elizabeth warren lost angelic photo

Elizabeth Warren 2020 began in 2015. A coalition of liberals and progressives lifted her up as the right person to lead an electoral coalition. Why? Her bona fides as a consumer advocate and legislative leader – and her broad appeal across the Democratic Party – suggested her as the champion of a movement to push Obama’s Democratic Party to the left without leaving the Obama coalition behind.

Her 2020 campaign aimed to do just that. But the terrain changed. It was no longer a unity between Obama and the myriad forces of the shattered electoral left. It was a surging electoral left – united by the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign – and the Biden/Clinton/Obama ‘party establishment.’ Warren promised to combine the progressivism of Sanders with the practicality of a campaign that could mobilize Democratic voters and win over a bit of ‘Middle America.’

Or so the theory went. We know it didn’t work out that way, and I’ll discuss why. Here are two major factors I see contributing to her loss. And one factor some Elizabeth Warren defenders cite that I’ll argue wasn’t really much of a factor.

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Two Misconceptions About Black Voters

I recently wrote about how people of color voted in the early states. Maybe you read the recent South Carolina results and thought this upset the trend – the trend of Bernie Sanders winning the votes of people of color? Not quite. The South Carolina results were consistent with earlier states. I think people base that thought on misconceptions about black voters. And so I’m writing now about two of these misconceptions.

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Do We Need a Socialist Party?

There’s been a lot of interest lately in the question of whether we need a socialist party in the US. Perhaps to put this in a way people might ask it: Do we need a socialist party in our time, and, if so, what would it look like? In one sense, it’s a surprising question. We have a socialist party in the US! In fact, we have lots of them.

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