Earlier this week, I wrote a post on Marx and the ‘rights of man.’ I want to continue the theme by applying it to free speech and the left. Free speech is kind of a hot topic on the left. Some leftists come out pretty hard against something they call free speech. Other leftists, like Noam Chomsky, defend it (they mean something a bit different, as we’ll see).
Part of what makes this issue difficult is that the U.S. far-right poisons the well. It shrouds itself in the language of ‘free speech,’ but it does so dishonestly. It pretends to be persecuted. And we do find some hard anti-speech attitudes within certain ‘left’ identitarian movements. But these elements hold little real power. The left shouldn’t cede the ‘free speech’ label to the political right because of this.
How should we think about it, then?