Base and Superstructure

Thoughts on production, alienation, and ideology

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Class Politics and Morality

In On Writing Well – his classic guide to writing nonfiction – William Zinsser quoted Abraham Lincoln on politics and morality. In his Second Inaugural Address, Lincoln said:

It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their break from the sweat of other men’s faces, but let us judge not, that we not be judged.

Zinsser approved of the quote. I suppose I can’t argue with Zinsser. He didn’t just write the book on writing, he also wrote the book on spring training.

But quotes like this make people nervous. Especially activists who center their politics on issues of identity. Many think that to separate politics from morality is to excuse the worst behavior. Their political dial holds no setting between moral politics and libertarian permissiveness, moral relativism, or apologism.

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The Tyranny of Virtue or the Virtue of Tyranny?

Robert Boyers – Skidmore College academic and veteran professor – wrote The Tyranny of Virtue to collect his thoughts on social justice movements among college students. I can imagine many of you rolling your eyes. Your worry is clear enough. Is Boyers just an old white man who can’t change with the times, comfortable at his privileged liberal arts college and reluctant to embrace the change that’s reached even his ivory tower?


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Summer Reading (and Listening) (2020)

Yeah, OK. I’ve already made a summer reading list this year. I get it! But, here’s the thing. I’m doing a lot of reading these days. Reading and walking occupy far more of my time than I’d have ever expected back in January. Admittedly, it’s one of my favorite parts of our unique situation.

I’ve also gone on a bit of a vinyl record kick. And so, here are some books and records I’ve been into lately.

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U.S. China Policy 101

At the beginning stages of his run for President, Donald Trump oddly fixated on China. He pronounced the word ‘China’ itself with the frenzy of a racist, and he focused on the nation in the context of international trade. Trump accused China of currency manipulation and unfair trade practices. In one heated claim, he accused China of ‘raping‘ the U.S. via its trade policy.

How did this situation arise? What’s the relationship between the U.S. and China? Where is that relationship headed?

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