I have to admit I’ve come to enjoy writing these yearly blog anniversary posts!

We’re at six years and running, and I don’t intend to stop soon. With that said, readers probably noticed the change of post frequency in the past year or so. I used to write twice per week, but I’ve written at a place of once per week for quite awhile now.

What gives?

I made the change for basic reasons of sustainability. I still write at least twice per week (sometimes three times). But those other writings appear on my Medium profile. For readers looking to access that content, do reach out! I’m happy to share it with you, especially those of you who are a part of the Patreon!

And so, without further ado, let’s talk about the past year.

Readership Data and Most Popular Posts

So, I do have one piece of good news. Overall readership is up a bit from the last couple of years! Truth be told, the blog generally increased in readership from 2018 to about 2020. It did especially well in the early pandemic months. But it declined from about 2021 to 2023.

It’s interesting to consider why. I might suggest that part of the story is a broader decline in the political left over the course of those two years. As many readers know, the left tends to grow when far right wingers are in power. And it tends to shrink when Democrats do well.

But we’ve been doing better since then, perhaps as interest in politics grows during an election year.

Regardless, here are the new posts that did the best:

1. What’s Going on with the Iowa City At-Large City Council Race?
2. DSA Criticism of Anarchism
3. Do Women Get All the Philosophy Jobs?

The list is interesting to me for lots of reasons. For one, these are pretty specific, narrower posts. The first is local to Iowa City. The second concerns some specific DSA business. And the third is about academic philosophy.

In short, it looks like the blog is attracting readers who are very interested in just one thing! That’s fine with me, of course. But it’s not the approach I’ve taken in most years in my writing.

Blog Finances and Assorted Info

Finally, it’s been awhile since I’ve updated readers on the finances of blogging. In short, they’re a challenge!

This blog has a few different revenue streams: advertising with AdSense, a patreon, and affiliate marketing (via Amazon, Medium, and books for sale). And, as with past years, the blog more or less breaks even.

I’ve never intended this blog as a vehicle for a true second income. Nor do I plan to quit my day job anytime soon. So, none of this is really a problem. But, just so readers know, I’m not out here getting rich as a blogger!

What’s Next?

Finally, let’s talk for a moment about what the next year might look like.

Obviously there’s an election coming up in the United States. I’ll have some things to say about it. Perhaps some grumbly thing. Perhaps some insightful things. We’ll find out.

And I should also say, as I said above, that I plan to continue the dual blogging and Medium format for the foreseeable future. When it comes down to it, they’re different kinds of writing. And I enjoy writing for slightly different audiences. As long as I continue having fun with it, and as along as I’ve got the time for it, I’ll do both forms of writing.

I hope the summer is going well for all of you. And, as always, keep in touch!

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