Over the last few months, I’ve started a career journal! I did so after reading the book Leaving Academia.

So far, it’s not a lot. I’ve written about the things I like and don’t like about both my current job and past work. I’ve thought and written about the priorities I have for my career. And I’ve written some things about how my career relates to the things I do in my own time and the time I spend with my family and friends.

So far, I don’t think I’ve learned anything world shattering. But I have used it as a reminder to myself of what’s important in my life. And while my career is certainly a factor in all that, it’s not one of the most important things. And that’s OK. Sometimes we need a reminder like that.

For readers: have any of you started a career journal? Thinking about starting a career journal? If so, I’d love to hear how it’s going for you. Drop a comment and let me know!

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